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Corporate Culture


Become the most trusted quality technicalservice organization.



Satisfying customer requirements andstriving to exceed customer expectations is the essence of North Test survival.

 Core value

Achieve customers, keep improving.



Provide customers with the most suitable qualitysolutions, and achieve the beauty of life with action and responsibility.


Social responsibility

Apply advanced science and technology tohelp consumers build a sustainable trust in products and businesses; beresponsible to customers, partners, employees and shareholders.

Copyright © 2020 Shenzhen Yarui Testing Co., Ltd 粤ICP备2020114789号

Complaint Email:2195900730@qq.com Complaint Tel:0755-27912080 / 13510298425

Certificate report verifies email: 2195900730@qq.com

Address:1F., Jiemeikang Building, Donghuan Road, Longhua District , Shenzhen 518109, Guangdong, China